To My Goddaughter

by Carson Workman

To my Goddaughter

Hello sweet girl

Hello bright eyed wonderer

Hello future friend and current onlooker of faces, places, and wonders

Hello my people.

Birthed of a sister

Gained wings from two brothers who have flown

Hello young one, whose entrance enlights and delights us all.

You breathe

You hear

You live

You desire

You delight.

You will squeeze my finger tight.

You will run and I will cringe

You will jump and my heart will follow you in flight

You will fall and laugh and I will hold you tight.

Then we will swim like we were born to do

We will exhaust ourselves in the delight

Of the ice coldness of the water and the warmth of where and whom we came from.

And while the Osprey and Heron watch, I will tell you the story

The myth of how I came to know you

I fill a space I am unworthy to fill

But for you and for me I will

Together we will.

We'll slay dragons and toads and serpents alike

We will delight.

I will admire your might

You will be loved and spun

You will run, you will fight.

Brilliant girl, you will be alright.

And when I can, I will rock you at night

When I can't, I will gaze on my finger

The one you squeezed tight.

I will love you and bless you

I'll float you down the river and I'll watch you take flight

Sweet girl, you will be just right.

Good night.